Have you been contemplating the idea of selling your home? When envisioning your future, you may be considering current mortgage rates & the evolving needs of your lifestyle to determine your next steps. It’s a seller’s market right now because we are very low on inventory + extreme demand, especially from CA relocation buyers.

70% of America has rates between 2-4% so they are “rate locked” and will not want to sell for a while. This will make America low on inventory in the years to come since rates will not be getting back to 2-3%. I believe that it will remain a seller’s market for quite some time.

To guide your decision-making process, there’s an important piece of information to keep in mind. The latest Home Purchase Sentiment Index (HPSI) from Fannie Mae reveals that an increasing percentage of people believe now is an opportune time to sell.

now is a great time to sell your home

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Why this sudden surge of optimism among sellers?

One potential explanation is that we are currently in the prime time of the year for home sales. According to an insightful article from Bankrate:

“The late spring & early summer periods are generally regarded as the most favorable times to sell a home. Even with today’s relatively high rates, the supply-demand equilibrium is tilted in favor of sellers due to low inventory in most markets.”

Primarily, these seasons witness a surge in relocations, escalating buyer demands. Consequently, the shortage of homes available to meet this growing demand equips sellers with quite a few advantages. Rocket Mortgage confirms this by stating:

“Homes listed towards the end of spring and the commencement of summer frequently sell more swiftly & at an elevated sales price.”

now is a great time to sell your home

With these insights at hand, what does it mean for potential sellers like you?

Increasingly, sellers are recognizing the alluring circumstances for making a move. This realization is driving more homeowners to list their homes for sale. If you’re intrigued by the prospect of joining the fray, it’s advisable to start orchestrating your plans.

As a seasoned real estate agent in Henderson & Las Vegas, Nevada, I am experienced in preparing homes for sale. I can guide you in making necessary renovations & enhancements that will captivate potential buyers. Moreover, I can assist you in strategizing your list during the peak buying seasons of spring & early summer, positioning you to possibly sell expediently & garner a more substantial price.

Should you choose to list your home during spring or early summer, you stand a chance to sell your property briskly & at a higher price. If you’re set to leverage the offerings of today’s seller’s market, let’s connect.

Contact Lauren

List your home with Lauren.

With 20 + years of experience, I can make selling your home a breeze!